- Abell, John
- Allison, Mike
- Amos, Mairead
- Ashworth, Jonathan
- Babich, Grigory
- Bird, India Rose
- Bliss, Rosalind
- Bosteels, Peter
- Bousfield, Neil
- Bradley, Leonie
- Branigan, Shona
- Brett, Simon
- Brockway, Harry
- Brown, Jan
- Brown, Peter
- Browne, Terry
- Bryce, John
- Cave, Sue
- Chesterman, Merlyn
- Clark, Peter
- Cliftlands, Ellie
- Clynick, Jude
- Cobbold, Julia
- Cole, Judith
- Cole, Sally
- Coleman, Rebecca
- Collins, Peter
- Connolly, Phoebe
- Connors, Sandy
- Coode, Caroline
- Corfe-Stephens, Ian
- Cranmer, Keith
- Cyan, Blaze
- Dando, Aaron K.
- Daunt, Chris
- Davidson, Andrew
- Davidson, Lorna
- Dennison, Dan
- Desmet, Anne
- Dobson, David
- Drehfal, Tony
- Driver, James
- Dunbar, Jim
- Dunigan, Anthony
- Dunmall, Paul
- Dwire, Colleen
- Ellis, Edwina
- Emslie, Martin
- English, Andy
- Eunson, Carine
- Evans, Graham
- Fahimi, Rosemary
- Fairfax-Cholmeley, Rosie
- Fallon McGuigan, Ruairi
- Florey-Hitchcox, Claire
- Fowler, Rosamund
- Gibbs, Jonathan
- Giovannini, Umberto
- Glanville, Mike
- Goodman, Ben
- Guy, Bob
- Haddrell, Trevor
- Hands, Sally
- Hayward, Anne
- Hayward, Louise
- Ho, Wuon-Gean
- Hokkanen, Mirka
- Hope, Fiona
- Howes, Christine
- Hubbard, Steven
- Jackson, H J
- Jagger, Nicholas
- Jaidinger, Judith
- James, Mark
- Jenkins, Heinke
- Johns, Emily
- Jones, Frederick
- Judd, Andrew
- Kawauchi, Rie
- Kelly, Justin Barrie
- Kershaw, Paul
- Killick, David
- Konovalov, Mickhail
- Koopman, Cindy
- Kortovich, Vladimir
- Kosminin, Uriy
- Kuhfeld, Cathryn
- Kuit, Marion
- Lawrence, John
- Lawrence, Peter
- Lazarov, Peter
- Lazic, Ljubivoje
- Lemaire, Angela
- Lemon, Molly
- Lewin, Angie
- Li, Qilong
- Lindsley, Kathleen
- Littler, Kathleen
- Lovett, Alastair
- Lubach, Vanessa
- Luo, Yan
- Luttman-Johnson, Jay
- Lydbury, Jane
- Lye, Michael
- Macey, Caroline
- Macgregor, Miriam
- Mackenzie, Robin
- MacNeill, Alyson
- Mannion, Susan
- Manser, J E
- Maréchal, François
- Marinkov, Sasa
- Matsuoka, Atsushi
- McGarvey, Michael
- Mizutani, Kosuke
- Mott, M J
- Moyer, David
- Munday, Penny
- O’Brien, Gordon
- Oaks, Ruth
- Oliver, Di
- Orpen, Julie
- Palmer, Garrick
- Paynter, Hilary
- Pery, Jenny
- Petitt, Keith A.
- Petterson, David
- Phipps, Howard
- Pig, Chris
- Ponte, Nella
- Poole, Julian
- Portlock, Jenny
- Price, Joanne
- Randfield, Jane
- Ray, Susan
- Reynolds, Heather
- Ribbans, Hugh
- Robb, Alexandra
- Robertson, Beth S
- Robertson, David
- Roddie, Helen
- Rogers, Jennifer
- Rorer, Abigail
- Rutherford, Louisa
- Scullard, Sue
- Seaby, Andrew
- See-Paynton, Colin
- Setford, Derek
- Smart, Alex
- Smith, Peter S.
- Smith, Shirley
- Spencer, April D.
- Stamp, Edward
- Stobart, Jane
- Storm, Maggie
- Styles, Viv
- Sutcliffe, Debbie
- Tainton, Ian
- Tait, Nikki
- Taylor, Amanda
- Timmins, Julia
- Tiplady, Masha
- Todd, James
- Toole, Mick
- Tout, Ann
- Trustram, Gabriel
- Tseng, Mei Chen
- Tsuritani, Kouki
- Tute, George
- Underwood, Phil
- van Duyn, Jeroen
- van Niekerk, Sarah
- Velasco, Jazmin
- Vergara, Camila Zaccarelli
- Vermeire, Manuel
- Waddington, Geri
- Wagener, Richard
- Wang, Mi
- Waterson, Merlin
- Watkins, Sheila
- Watson, Fay
- Wei, Zheng Yuan
- Westergard, Jim
- White, Beverley
- Williams, Graham
- Willingham, Roy
- Wilson, Hilary
- Wilson, Nicholas
- Wilson, Robin
- Witts, Julian
- Wood, Matt
- Woodcock, Barry
- Wormell, Chris
- Xiao, Han
- Yang, Yan Yu
Select exhibition work by artist
- All Work
- Jonathan Ashworth
- Grigory Babich
- Grigory Babich
- Neil Bousfield
- Neil Bousfield
- Neil Bousfield
- Leonie Bradley
- Leonie Bradley
- Leonie Bradley
- Shona Branigan
- Simon Brett
- Harry Brockway
- Harry Brockway
- Peter Brown
- Peter Brown
- Terry Browne
- Terry Browne
- John Bryce
- John Bryce
- Merlyn Chesterman
- Merlyn Chesterman
- Jude Clynick
- Judith Cole
- Peter Collins
- Chris Daunt
- Lorna Davidson
- Anne Desmet
- Anne Desmet
- David Dobson
- Tony Drehfal
- Tony Drehfal
- Anthony Dunigan
- Paul Dunmall
- Andy English
- Carine Eunson
- Rosemary Fahimi
- Rosamund Fowler
- Mike Glanville
- Ben Goodman
- Bob Guy
- Trevor Haddrell
- Sally Hands
- Anne Hayward
- Louise Hayward
- Louise Hayward
- Wuon-Gean Ho
- Steven Hubbard
- Judith Jaidinger
- Judith Jaidinger
- Heinke Jenkins
- Emily Johns
- Paul Kershaw
- Vladimir Kortovich
- Cathryn Kuhfeld
- Peter Lawrence
- Peter Lawrence
- Peter Lazarov
- Peter Lazarov
- Angie Lewin
- Quilong Li
- Kathleen Lindsley
- Kathleen Lindsley
- Kathleen Littler
- Kathleen Littler
- Yan Luo
- Jay Luttman-Johnson
- Jane Lydbury
- Jane Lydbury
- Robin MacKenzie
- Michael McGarvey
- Alyson MacNeill
- François Maréchal
- Atsushi Matsuoko
- David Moyer
- David Moyer
- Ruth Oaks
- Garrick Palmer
- Hilary Paynter
- Hilary Paynter
- Hilary Paynter
- Howard Phipps
- Howard Phipps
- Chris Pig
- Jenny Portlock
- Joanne Price
- Susan Ray
- David Robertson
- David Robertson
- Abigail Rorer
- Sue Scullard
- Sue Scullard
- Andrew Seaby
- Colin See-Paynton
- Derek Setford
- Peter S. Smith
- Peter S. Smith
- Shirley Smith
- Edward Stamp
- Edward Stamp
- Ian Stephens
- Ian Stephens
- Maggie Storm
- Maggie Storm
- Debbie Sutcliffe
- Ian Tainton
- Amanda Taylor
- Julia Timmins
- James Todd
- Ann Tout
- Sarah van Niekerk
- Jazmin Velasco
- Manuel Vermeire
- Geri Waddington
- Geri Waddington
- Richard Wagener
- Richard Wagener
- Mi Wang
- Merlin Waterson
- Merlin Waterson
- Jim Westergard
- Jim Westergard
- Beverley White
- Roy Willingham
- Hilary Wilson
- Hilary Wilson
- Julian Witts
- Barry Woodcock
- Yan Yu Yang
1. Save the Polar Bears
Jonathan Ashworth
140 x 160 mm2. Portrait of Prince Odoyevsky
Grigory Babich
280 x 180 mm3. Sevastyanich’s Dream
Grigory Babich
285 x 195 mm4. Happisburgh Warning: Bryony’s New House
Neil Bousfield
340 x 245 mm5. Happisburgh Warning: Storm Over Happisburgh
Neil Bousfield
340 x 245 mm6. Edward Thomas: A Landscape Journey
Neil Bousfield
210 x 325 mm7. Gone, But Not Forgotten
Leonie Bradley
90 x 130 mm8. Connected Loneliness
Leonie Bradley
100 x 150 mm9. Reading in the Afternoon
Leonie Bradley
100 x 125 mm10. Pee Lee Peep
Shona Branigan
178 x 125 mm11. Board Games
Simon Brett
200 x 175 mm12. The Cheval-glass
Harry Brockway
110 x 75 mm13. Glastonbury Abbey
Harry Brockway
101 x 151 mm14. Twilight
Peter Brown
91 x 70 mm15. The Stalker
Peter Brown
234 x 285 mm16. Lifeboat
Terry Browne
70 x 95 mm17. Conway Castle
Terry Browne
100 x 125 mm18. Apocalypse
John Bryce
200 x 160 mm19. Castlerigg Stone Circle
John Bryce
110 x 150 mm20. Lotus Leaf
Merlyn Chesterman
100 x 100 mm21. Ruy’s Chair
Merlyn Chesterman
98 x 100 mm22. Blustery Day at Seaford
Jude Clynick
100 x 149 mm23. Balancing Act
Judith Cole
75 x 50 mm24. The Tortworth Chestnut
Peter Collins
150 x 100 mm25. Schubert
Chris Daunt
155 x 109 mm26. Wire Haired Fox Terrier
Lorna Davidson
69 x 77 mm27. Towers and Tudor Chimneys
Anne Desmet
130 x 108 mm28. Fan Vault
Anne Desmet
160 x 167 mm29. Ramshaw Rooks
David Dobson
92 x 74 mm30. Trees, Roots, Rocks
Tony Drehfal
150 x 184 mm31. Birch Decay
Tony Drehfal
177 x 127 mm32. The White Mill
Anthony Dunigan
190 x 150 mm33. Young Woman’s Head
Paul Dunmall
100 x 100 mm34. White Horse, Red Kites
Andy English
87 x 187 mm35. The Lazy Gardener
Carine Eunson
78 x 103 mm36. Winter Colour
Rosemary Fahimi
70 x 102 mm37. Cherry Blossom
Rosamund Fowler
70 x 140 mm38. Wistman’s Wood
Mike Glanville
100 x 110 mm39. Margit
Ben Goodman
100 x 100 mm40. Apple Pressing
Bob Guy
200 x 150 mm41. Steam Crane, Bristol Docks
Trevor Haddrell
320 x 320 mm42. Cloudy at Mumbles
Sally Hands
140 x 200 mm43. Wriggly Tin Hut
Anne Hayward
102 x 152 mm44. Point Blocks, Low Rises
Louise Hayward
240 x 385 mm45. The Samuda Estate
Louise Hayward
242 x 183 mm46. Orchis Four (detail)
Wuon-Gean Ho
200 x 900 mm47. The Mincer
Steven Hubbard
115 x 235 mm48. That Nature Yet Remembers
Judith Jaidinger
305 x 255 mm49. The Waiting Room
Judith Jaidinger
133 x 190 mm50. Migrants II: Night Passage
Heinke Jenkins
400 x 290 mm51. Massacre at Haditha
Emily Johns
100 x 330 mm52. Dying Down
Paul Kershaw
270 x 180 mm53. Dragonfly on the Leaf
Vladimir Kortovich
105 x 90 mm54. Dunnock in the Camellia
Cathryn Kuhfeld
85 x 127 mm55. Dark Energy II
Peter Lawrence
280 x 445 mm56. I Cannot Engrave You… But I Love You
Peter Lawrence
125 x 100 mm57. Love
Peter Lazarov
230 x 150 mm58. Maria’s Dance
Peter Lazarov
230 x 150 mm59. Spanish Seedheads
Angie Lewin
175 x 125 mm60. Growing Pains No. 1
Quilong Li
300 x 250 mm61. Sumardale Mergansers
Kathleen Lindsley
150 x 70 mm62. The Selkie Pool
Kathleen Lindsley
93 x 108 mm63. Where Have All the Airfields Gone?
Kathleen Littler
190 x 250 mm64. Partrishow
Kathleen Littler
100 x 112 mm65. The Illusion of Life: Pregnant Part 2
Yan Luo
300 x 220 mm66. God Bless the Ground
Jay Luttman-Johnson
120 x 193 mm67. The King
Jane Lydbury
125 x 100 mm68. Day
Jane Lydbury
130 x 78 mm69. Otters at the Mill
Robin MacKenzie
55 x 80 mm70. Beach Scene
Michael McGarvey
65 x 100 mm71. Pots and Ponds
Alyson MacNeill
153 x 102 mm72. Hunger
François Maréchal
250 x 300 mm73. Paper Crown
Atsushi Matsuoko
51 x 49 mm74. Vorstellung I
David Moyer
140 x 95 mm75. Vorstellung II
David Moyer
127 x 102 mm76. Still Life
Ruth Oaks
120 x 50 mm77. Pancreatic Landscape
Garrick Palmer
200 x 300 mm78. The Age of Enlightenment
Hilary Paynter
200 x 240 mm79. The Republican Candidate
Hilary Paynter
140 x 200 mm80. ‘Flash’, ‘Spider’ and ‘Donkey’
Hilary Paynter
150 x 295 mm81. Lewesdon Hill Beeches
Howard Phipps
115 x 150 mm82. Sunlit Doorway
Howard Phipps
125 x 100 mm83. Avenge Me Brother for I Have Fallen
Chris Pig
460 x 510 mm84. Which Way?
Jenny Portlock
150 x 60 mm85. In a Round-About-Way
Joanne Price
178 x 350 mm86. Staffy
Susan Ray
180 x 180 mm87. Collateral Damage
David Robertson
220 x 150 mm88. Rob in Hood
David Robertson
230 x 150 mm89. The Stumpery
Abigail Rorer
213 x 254 mm90. Incoming Tide
Sue Scullard
100 x 145 mm91. Bluebells in a Wood
Sue Scullard
140 x 100 mm92. Koi Cubed
Andrew Seaby
180 x 170 mm93. Cwm Idwal from Pen Yr Ole
Colin See-Paynton
305 x 420 mm94. Parrot Tulips, Iris, etc.
Derek Setford
260 x 165 mm95. Colombian Orchid
Peter S. Smith
140 x 90 mm96. Passing By
Peter S. Smith
140 x 90 mm97. Start Pt.
Shirley Smith
117 x 95 mm98. Boxing Day
Edward Stamp
55 x 105 mm99. Sherborne Old Castle
Edward Stamp
115 x 85100. Boundary Lane
Ian Stephens
88 x 57 mm101. A Drum!
Ian Stephens
100 x 85 mm102. Round & Round
Maggie Storm
100 x 100 mm103. Business Plan
Maggie Storm
70 x 130 mm104. Bliss
Debbie Sutcliffe
153 x 150 mm105. Long Train Running
Ian Tainton
100 x 90 mm106. Venetian Waters
Amanda Taylor
70 x 100 mm107. Acanthus Spires
Julia Timmins
300 x 200 mm108. Shoshone Grandmother, Late 19th C.
James Todd
300 x 250 mm109. Tawny Owl
Ann Tout
93 x 97 mm110. The Bed
Sarah van Niekerk
70 x 80 mm111. The Poultry Keeper
Jazmin Velasco
280 x 190 mm112. Skoda Popular, Monte Carlo
Manuel Vermeire
77 x 113 mm113. Water Wheel
Geri Waddington
130 x 100 mm114. Greenhouse
Geri Waddington
135 x 120 mm115. Juniper with Half Dome
Richard Wagener
150 x 105 mm116. Magnolia Stellata
Richard Wagener
113 x 75 mm117. The Newborn Giraffe
Mi Wang
397 x 297 mm118. Salle
Merlin Waterson
230 x 130 mm119. Carpineti
Merlin Waterson
110 x 190 mm120. The Shadow in Clovelly
Jim Westergard
175 x 125 mm121. Up to My Ass in Alligators
Jim Westergard
150 x 200 mm122. A State of Collapse
Beverley White
100 x 150 mm123. Itchen: 4VG
Roy Willingham
150 x 200 mm124. Return from the Farrier
Hilary Wilson
255 x 175 mm125. Cygnets – Sudbury Meadows
Hilary Wilson
117 x 132 mm126. Black Grouse
Julian Witts
460 x 600 mm127. The Sailmaker’s Garden
Barry Woodcock
260 x 140 mm128. Cloud Over the Mountain Moon in the Sky No. 4
Yan Yu Yang
260 x 260 mm